Did you know that the average Americans weight gain during the Holiday season is fifteen to twenty pounds? Would you like to have a sure-fire method of keeping that down to five pounds or less?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a methodology that lets us model successful strategies some people have. In the case of food, we have modeled a successful eating strategy. By contrast, one woman had an eating strategy that went like this: SEE food . . . EAT food. It's no wonder she was 100 pounds overweight! Once she learned the Naturally Slender Eating Strategy, she was able to bring her weight down to a healthy level. This is the strategy that people who are naturally slender seem to use automatically, while people who have trouble keeping their weight down do not.
The Naturally Slender Eating Strategy:
Briefly, the Naturally Slender Eating Strategy works like this: Imagine that you are eating a portion of food. Get a sense of how that changes the feeling in your stomach. Most important, imagine how it will feel not only just after you eat it, but OVER TIME over the next few hours. If you like that feeling, set it aside for a moment and think about a different food choice. Get a feel for what that will be like in your stomach not just after you eat it, but over the next few hours. Like that feeling better than the first food choice? Keep it in place of the previous choice. If not, toss it and keep the previous choice for now.
Then, think of another food item, and continue this process for awhile until you find which food seems like it will feel best OVER TIME in your system. Toss out the other choices since they're not as satisfying, and use the one that feels best over time. If none of the available choices seems like it will feel good over time, you've probably eaten enough and it's time to STOP EATING!
As you probably know, NLP can be used successfully to help people change their strategies for any number of things, such as eating, shopping, selecting jobs or relationship partners. Of course, just changing a strategy is not always what's called for. Sometimes, a change is needed at the Beliefs or Identity level. There are hundreds of procedures in NLP to help people deal effectively with many different kinds of difficulties. But often, simply engaging a new strategy like the Naturally